Monday, April 2, 2007

Qardhawi kesal sikap negara arab dan Islam

Ketua Institut Al-Quds Antarabangsa, Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi menyatakan kekecewaanya terhadap keadaan bangsa Arab dan kaum muslimin masakini. Walaupun jumlah mereka banyak, namun dari segi kekuatan sangat lemah dan mudah dihina. Qardhawi mengkritik tajam sikap diam bangsa Arab terhadap apa yang terjadi kepada Palestin.

Pernyataan ini disampaikan Al-Qardhawi kelmarin (27/3) di Algeria, dalam sambutannya pada Persidangan Institut Al-Quds ke 5 yang sudah berlangsung tiga hari hingga hari ini di Aljir Al-Algeria. Beliau mengatakan, masalahnya kita hanya bercakap, sementara zionis sedang bekerja. Mereka terus membuat perancangan, sementara kita tidak ada kerja. Mereka terorganisasi, sementara kita bercerai berai. Mereka sentiasa bersatu sementara kita bercakaran sesama sendiri.

50 tahun sebelumnya, mereka merancang untuk mendirikan negara Zionis. Ternyata rancangan mereka berhasil, mereka telah berjaya mendirikan negara Zionis dengan bantuan perjanjian yang ditandatangani Jeneral British, Balfour dengan menyerahkan negara Palestin kepada Yahudi Inggeris. Zionis yang hanya 'beberapa kerat' itu telah mampu marampas Al-Quds dari tangan kita. Padahal jumlah kita sepertiga penduduk bumi, 1.5 billion dari lebih kurang 5 billion penduduk bumi.

Institusi Al-Quds adalah satu badan yang memfokuskan kegiatannya dalam membantu rakyat Palestin, berupa "Jihad Madani'. Qardhawi mengingatkan tentang perancangan Israel membersihkan al-Quds dari penduduk muslim. Maka bentuk jihad yang boleh kita lakukan masakini adalah dengan membina masjid, hospital dan pelbagai infrastruktur yang boleh mengukuhkan Al-Quds sehingga kaum Muslimin boleh menghadapi penjajah Zionis Israel di sana.Dijelaskan pula, bahawa Imam Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi juga pernah menyebutkan 13 jenis jihad. Dan kini, Qardhawi mengatakan ingin menambahkan istilah jihad lain yang ke-14, iaitu Jihad Madani. 'Aktiviti Institut Al-Quds berada dalam lingkup jihad ini, ' jelasnya.

Menurut Qardhawi yang juga pemimpin Pertubuhan Ulama Antarabangsa. Terdapat 60 program yang dibawa oleh Yayasan Al-Quds untuk segera dilaksanakan. Beliau juga meminta pemerintah Arab dan Islam serta pelbagai organisasi sosial masyarakat untuk turut memberi sumbangsih dalam penerapan program tersebut. Acara ini diikuti Persidangan Institut Al-Quds yang kelima yang dihadiri oleh 200 peserta dari 45 negara. Badan ini dipimpin oleh Dr. Yusuf al-Qardhawi (Ketua Dewan sekretariat), Syeikh Faishal Mulawi (Ketua Dewan Ekskutif), Khalid Misy'al (Ketua Biro Politik Hamas), Ikrimah Shabri, Mathraani Athoallah Hana dan lain sebahagiannya dari kalangan pakar, cendekiawan, ulama dan tokoh masyarakat.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hadiah Buat Semua


Sedikit hadiah buat semua. Moga ada khair dlam wallpaper ini :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Berilah Hadiah, Kerana Ia mengeratkan Cinta


Anjuran agar saling mendekatkan hati, saling bersaudara dan mencintai diantara sesama kaum muslimin merupakan salah satu sisi keindahan Islam. Islam mensyariatkan perantaraan yang dapat menyebabkan keakraban, mendamaikan dan menghilangkan kabut hati. Diantara perantaraan itu adalah saling memberikan hadiah diantara sesama muslim.

Hadiah dapat melakukan apa yang tidak dapat dilakukan ucapan dan permintaan maaf. Ia mampu menghilangkan kabut hati, memadamkan api permusuhan, menenangkan kemarahan dan melenyapkan rasa iri hati dan kedengkian. Ia dapat mendatangkan kecintaan dan persahabatan setelah sekian lama tercerai-berai.

Hadiah selalu memberikan kesan perdamaian, rasa cinta dan penghargaan dari si pemberi kepada yang diberi. Kerana itulah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W menganjurkan agar memberi dan menerima hadiah. Beliau menjelaskan pengaruh hadiah di dalam meraih kecintaan dan kasih sayang diantara sesama manusia;
" Saling memberi hadiahlah kalian, nescaya kalian akan saling mencintai." HR. Al-Bukhari
Beliau juga bersabda; " Penuhilah undangan orang yang mengundang, janganlah menolak hadiah..." HR. Ahmad dan Al-Bukhari

Mengenai hadith ini, Ibn Hibbân menjelaskan;" Dalam hadith ini, Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam mengecam tindakan menolak hadiah dikalangan sesama muslim. Bila seseorang diberi sebuah hadiah, wajib baginya untuk menerimanya dan tidak menolaknya. Saya menganjurkan orang-orang untuk saling mengirim hadiah kepada sesama saudara. Sebab hadiah dapat melahirkan kecintaan dan menghilangkan rasa dendam."

Antara Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam Dan Hadiah
Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam menerima hadiah dan tidak menerima sedekah. Dalam hadith Abu Hurairah radhiallahu `anhu, ia berkata;" Bila Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam dihidangkan makanan, Dia selalu bertanya; Apakah ia hadiah atau sedekah? Jika dijawab, 'Sedekah' maka Dia berkata kepada para shahabatnya, 'Makanlah oleh kalian' sementara dia tidak ikut memakannya. Sedangkan bila dijawab, 'hadiah' maka beliau mencuci tangannya lalu memakannya bersama mereka.'" Muttafaqun 'alaih

Hadith lainnya berasal dari 'Aisyah Radhiallahu` anha, ia berkata;" Rasulullah shallallahu `alaihi wasallam menerima hadiah dan mendoakan pahala bagi (pemberi) nya." HR. Al-Bukhari
Salah satu jenis hadiah yang tidak pernah ditolak Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam adalah wangi-wangian. Perkara ini sebagaimana hadith Anas Radhiallahu `anhu, bahawasanya Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam tidak pernah menolak wangi-wangian. " HR. al-Bukhari

Beliau (Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam ) juga bersabda;" Siapa sahaja yang dihadiahi 'Raihan', maka janganlah menolaknya sebab ia ringan dibawa namun sedap baunya." HR. Muslim Apa Yang Dilakukan Orang-Orang Ansar?

Orang-orang Ansar amat mengetahui betapa hajat Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam dan kesukaran hidup yang dialaminya. Kerana itu, mereka selalu mengirimkan hadiah dan pemberian untuk beliau. Perkara ini diceritakan oleh 'Aisyah Radhiallahu `Anha kepada 'Urwah Radhiallahu `anhu bahawa seringkali di rumah Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam tidak dinyalakan api kerana tidak memasak. Lalu ketika 'Urwah bertanya apa yang dimakan bila keadaannya demikian. 'Aisyah Radhiallahu `anha menjawab, "Hanya kurma dan air."

Kemudian 'Aisyah Radhiallahu `Anha menceritakan bahawa sekalipun demikian, Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam mempunyai jiran tetangga orang-orang Ansar yang selalu mengirimkan hadiah, iaitu berupa air susu unta." Muttafaqun 'alaih Memberi Hadiah Jangan Diukur Nilainya???? Anjuran Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam agar saling memberi hadiah walaupun sedikit tidak ditinjau dari sisi nilainya tetapi lebih kepada nilai maknawinya sebagaimana yang telah diterangkan di atas. Perkara ini dapat dilihat dari sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam melalui hadith Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu `Anhu bahawa beliau bersabda; " Wahai para wanita kaum muslimin, janganlah ada seorang jiran tetangga meremehkan pemberian jiran tetangganya yang lain sekali ia ( pemberian tersebut ) berupa hujung kuku ( teracak ) unta."

Padahal, apalah ertinya kuku yang tentunya hanya menyisakan sedikit daging. Dalam hadith yang lain, Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam memberikan permisalan menarik yang menunjukkan perlunya sikap tawadlu' ( rendah hati ) dalam menerima hadiah apa pun;
" Andaikata aku diundang untuk menyantap makanan ( yang berupa ) bahagian hasta atau bahagian di bawah tumit, nescaya aku penuhi undangan itu, dan andaikata aku dihadiahkan perkara yang sama juga nescaya aku menerimanya. " HR. Al-Bukhari

Bila kita renungkan lebih mendalam, apakah Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam masih memerlukan makanan dari orang lain? Jawapannya sudah pasti, tidak. Sebab sebagaimana yang kita ketahui bahawa beliau diberi makan dan minum oleh Rabbnya akan tetapi perkara ini merupakan pelajaran praktikal agar bersikap tawadlu' dan rendah hati terhadap kaum muslimin apa pun kedudukan mereka.

Kehidupan para ulama Salaf juga sarat dengan perkara sebegini dimana mereka saling memberi hadiah, sekecil apa pun bentuknya, terkadang ada yang hanya berupa kurma yang belum masak, ada yang berupa setangkai bunga mawar, ada yang hanya berupa garam yang ditumbuk dan tetumbuhan yang wangi aromanya.

Saling Memberi Hadiah Diantara Suami-Isteri

Hadiah adalah sesuatu yang mengkagumkan, apalagi bila terjadi diantara suami-isteri. Ia dapat menambah rasa kecintaan dan kedekatan hati antara keduanya, memperbarui ruh kehidupan rumahtangga dan menghilangkan perselisihan yang sebelumnya dapat saja akan bertambah meruncing bila kedua pasangan tidak menyedari apa yang dapat menghilangkannya.

Seseorang isteri lebih mudah tersentuh oleh hadiah yang diberikan suaminya daripada terhadap hadiah orang lain, demikian pula dengan si suami. Bahkan bila diinginkan, isteri boleh memberikan sebahagian maharnya kepada si suami asalkan secara sukarela. Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala berfirman;
" Dan berikanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan itu mas kahwin mereka sebagai pemberian yang wajib. Kemudian jika mereka dengan suka hatinya memberikan kepada kamu sebahagian dari mas kahwinnya maka makanlah ( gunakanlah ) pemberian ( yang halal ) itu sebagai nikmat yang lazat, lagi baik kesudahannya. " Q.S An-Nisaa` : 4

Beberapa Perkara Penting Yang Perlu Diperhatikan

1. Tidak boleh mengambil kembali hadiah yang telah diberikan kepada orang lain sebab perkara ini sebagaimana makna sebuah hadith sama seperti anjing yang menelan lagi makanan yang telah dimuntahkannya. Muttafaqun 'alaih

Akan tetapi, boleh mengambil kembali hadiah yang telah diberikan kerana alasan yang bersesuaian dengan syariat seperti curiga bahawa ianya berasal dari hasil rasuah. Contohnya, Ash-Sha'b bin Jatstsamah Radhiallahu `Anhu pernah memberi hadiah seekor keldai liar kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam; namun beliau menolaknya kerana dia sedang berpakaian ihram. Demikian pula, bila seseorang pegawai yang sudah memiliki gaji diberi hadiah, maka dia tidak boleh menerimanya dan ini seperti yang berlaku kepada Ibn al-Lutbiyyah dimana Rasulullah mengecamnya. Muttafaqun 'alaih

2. Hendaknya yang lebih diutamakan didalam memberi hadiah adalah keluarga terdekat; kaum kerabat seperti orang tua pihak ibu dan ayah dan orang seperti mereka. Demikian juga boleh mendahulukan orang yang di hati seseorang mendapat tempat yang dekat. Imam al-Bukhari mencantumkan bab tentang siapa yang lebih dahulu harus diberi hadiah, lalu beliau mengetengahkan dua hadith; yang pertama, beliau menyarankan kepada si penanya agar diberikan kepada pakcik dari garis ibunya dan yang kedua ketika ditanyakan kepada beliau mana diantara dua tetangga yang didahulukan dalam memberi hadiah, beliau menjawab, "Yang paling dekat pintunya darimu."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I wish I had done more

Subjek: [Pmiusm_group] I wish I have done more

E-mail diforwardkan untuk penghayatan bersama..

Everyday as I wake up at dawn
My mind starts working the moment I yawn
There were many things to do, o dear!
That’s why I hastily did my Subuh prayer
I didn’t have the time to sit longer to praise the lord
To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd.

Since school I had been busy every minute
Completing my tutorials and handing it in
My studies took up most of my time always
Minimum time did I have to Allah to pray
Too many things to do, and zikir is rare,
For Allah, I really had no time to spare.

When I grew up and started my degree
Studying all day to secure my future
When I reached home,
I prefer to have fun,I chatted on the phone, on the yahoo messenger,
But I didn’t read much the book of heart, the Quran,
I spent too much time surfing the internet,
Sad to say my faith was falling flat.

The only time I have left is weekends
During which I prefer window shopping with friends
Or better yet I prefer to sit back and enjoy my cds and dvds
I couldn’t spare time to go to usrahs and daurahs
I’m too BUSY that’s my BIG EXCUSE…

I did my five prayers, but did so quickly,
After prayer, I didn’t sit longer to reflect quietly
I didn’t have time to help the needy ones
I was loaded with works as my precious time runs.

My life was already full of stress,
So I didn’t counsel as Muslim in distress
,I didn’t spent much time with muslims that can advice me,
Because I thought, doing so wont help me much,
It will be just a waste of time.
No time to share, with none Muslim about Islam;
Or even to my other fellow muslims who have rights on me,
Even though I know, inviting causes no harm
No time to do sunnah prayers at all
All this contribute to my iman fall…

I’m busy here, I’m busy there,
I have no time at all, that’s all I care
I went for religious lesson, just once in a while
Well, at least I do some, my nafs whispers,
Coz I’m too busy making a pile.

I worked all day,
I slept all night
Too tired for tahajjud, and it seems no right
To me, studying as a living was already tough
So, I only did basic deeds but that’s not enough.

No time at all, to admire God’s creation
No time to praise Allah, and seek His Compassion
Although I know how short is my life,
For Islam, I really didn’t strive.

Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me
And I stood before Him with life history
I feel so guilty because I should have prayed moreI
should have invited other muslims to Allah
causeI should strive more to learn about my deen,
Isn’t that what a Muslim live for

To thank Allah and do more good deeds
And the Quran is for us to read.
I’m starting to fret,
I wasted my life but it’s too late to regret,
My entry to paradise depend on my good behavior,
But I have not done enough, nor did proper prayer

My “good deed book” is given from my right
An angle opens my “book” and read out my plight.
Then the angle chided me“O You Muslim servant,
you are the oneWho is given enough time,
yet not much is done
Do you know your faith is loose?
Saying “no time” is only an excuse.
Your “good deed book” should be filled up more
With all the good work you stood up for…

Hence I only recorded those little good deeds
As I say this, I know your eyes will mist
I was about to write even more, you see…
But I did not have the TIME to list”…

~ i wish i have done more~

Ya Allah kurniakanlah keberkatan dan keampunanMu ke atas penulis ini

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Women In Islam : An opression or liberation?

Women in Islam: Oppression or Liberation?
By Aisha Tahira Stacey**
March 7, 2005

For centuries, Muslim women in all corners of the world have been aware of the liberation that is achieved by wearing a scarf or hijab. Current world events have once again brought the issue of women's liberation in Islam to the forefront of people's minds.

Can a Woman Wearing a Scarf Be Liberated?
Can a religion that considers morality to be a part of faith clearly define the equality of men and women and their rights and responsibilities?
The answer is yes. In a day and age when the basic tenants of Islam are being questioned by Muslim and non-Muslim alike, we must be cautious when evaluating Islam.

The picture that is painted by the media is biased and unsubstantiated. The impression that some Muslims give to the world is often not a true reflection of the religion that is the completion of all religions. Islam, the religion for all people, in all places, and all times takes the equality of men and women very seriously. It sees the liberation of women as essential and considers modesty, good character, and manners to be the way to achieve such liberation.
Too often, the image of a covered woman is used to represent what much of the world views as oppression. Her very existence is described in terms that convey ignorance and unhappiness.

Words like “beaten,” “repressed,” and “oppressed” are bandied about by the Western media in a desperate attempt to convince the readers that women in Islam have no rights. Descriptive and intrinsically oppressive terms such as “shrouded” and “shackled” are used to portray an image of women who have no minds and who are the slaves or possessions of their husbands and fathers. In the 19th century, T. E. Lawrence described women in Arabia as “death taking a walk,” and from that time forward, the true status of women in Islam has been shrouded by mystery. The truth about women and Islam is far from this melodramatic portrayal.

Over 1,400 years ago, Islam raised the status of women from a position of oppression to one of liberation and equality. In an era when women were considered possessions, Islam restored women to a position of dignity.
In order to gain a true insight into the real and lasting liberation that Islam guarantees women, we must first examine the concept of liberation as viewed by the West. In Western countries where liberation encompasses unlimited freedom, women are actually finding themselves living lives that are unsatisfying and meaningless. In their quest for liberation, they have abandoned the ideals of morality and stability and found themselves in marriages and families that bear little resemblance to real life.

What is liberating about working all day and coming home at night to the housework? What is liberating about having babies who at six weeks old can be deposited in childcare centers to learn their behavior and morality from strangers?
Girls as young as 6 years old have been diagnosed with eating disorders, teenage pregnancy is rampant, and women who choose to stay at home to raise their families are viewed as old fashioned or unemployable.

Yes! Women in the West are free to choose: to choose which of twenty different brands of lipstick to wear, to choose their own career path so they are independent and capable. Yes!
Women in the West are liberated: liberated to the point that they are no longer free to choose the life that is natural for them. They are free only to choose from the selection of consumer goods offered to them by their masters. The so-called liberated women of the West have become slaves. Slaves to the economic system, slaves to the fashion and beauty industries, and slaves to a society that views them as brainless machines, taught to look desirable, earn money, and shop. Even the career woman who has managed to push her way through the glass ceiling is a slave to the consumer society, which requires her to reside in a spacious house, wear only the latest designer clothes, drive a luxurious car, and educate her children at the most exclusive and expensive schools.

Is This Liberation?

The natural inclination of women is to please, comfort, and support their men, their husbands, fathers, brothers, or sons. The natural inclination of men is to protect, support, and provide for the women lawfully in their lives—wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters. Islam, the only true religion and infallible guide to life, requires that we follow such natural inclinations. It allows us to abandon ideas that are intrinsically foreign to human nature and supports us in developing and sustaining natural family relationships that spread out to form part of the wider Muslim community.

A Muslim woman knows her place in society and knows her place in the family infrastructure. Her deen (religion) is her first priority; therefore, her role is clear-cut and defined. A Muslim woman, far from being oppressed, is a woman who is liberated in the true sense of the word. She is a slave to no man or to any economic system; rather, she is the slave of Allah. Islam clearly defines women’s rights and responsibilities spiritually, socially, and economically. Islam’s clear-cut guidelines are empowering; they raise women to a natural and revered position both in their families and in the eyes of the Muslim Ummah.

Women in Islam have no need to protest and demonstrate for equal rights. They have no need to live their lives aimlessly acquiring possessions and money. With the perfection of Islam as the natural and only true religion came the undeniable fact that women and men are equal, partners and protectors of one another.

[So their Lord accepted from them (their supplication and answered them), "Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) of one another, so those who emigrated or were driven out from their homes, and suffered harm in MY cause, and were fought and were killed (in my cause) verily, I will expiate from them their evil deeds and admit them into gardens under which rivers flow; a reward from Allah, and with Allah is the best rewards.] (Aal `Imran 3:195)

[And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and is a true believer in the Oneness of Allah, such will enter paradise and not the least injustice, even to the size of a speck on the back of a date stone, will be done to them.] (An-Nisaa’ 4:124)

Women in Islam have the right to own property, to control their own money or money that they earn, to buy and sell, and to give gifts and charity. They have formal rights of inheritance. They have the right to an education; seeking and acquiring knowledge is an obligation on all Muslims, male or female. Married Muslim women are completely free from the obligation of supporting and maintaining the family.

They are in no way forced into marriage, but have the right to accept or refuse a proposal as they see fit. Women in Islam have the right to divorce if it becomes necessary, but they also have the right to save their marriages.

Islam teaches that the family is the core of society. In Western cultures, the fabric of society is being torn apart by the breakdown of the family unit. It is in these crumbling communities that the call for the liberation of women arises. It seems to be a misguided and feeble attempt to find a path of security and safety. Such security is available only when the human being turns back to God and accepts the role for which he or she was created.

Liberation means freedom, but not the freedom to do as one pleases. Freedom must never be at the expense of oneself or of the wider community. When a woman fulfills the role for which she was created, not only is she liberated but she is empowered.
The modestly dressed or covered woman you see in the street is liberated. She is liberated from the shackles that have tied the feet of her Western sisters. She is liberated from the economic slavery of the West and she is liberated from the necessity of managing a house and family without the support of her husband or the help of a wider community. She lives her life based on divine guidelines; her life is filled with peace, happiness, and strength. She is not afraid of the world, but rather embraces its tests and trials with patience and fortitude, secure in the fact that true liberation is only achieved by full and willing submission to the natural order of the universe.

Oppression is not defined by a piece of material, but rather by a sickening of the heart and a weakening of the mind. Oppression grows in a society that is crumbling because its members have lost sight of the true purpose of their existence. Liberation arises and takes root in a society that is just, cohesive, and based on natural order and divine guidelines. Islam is such a society. A Muslim woman is liberated.

** Aisha Tahira Stacey writes for Qatar’s daily publications The Times and The Peninsula. The author is currently working on a series of stories based on the lives of the Sahabah and a series of historical stories for children.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Friday, February 9, 2007